Burnout & Bad Decisions: 7 Affirmations to Build Better Boundaries

If I’m being honest -  the past two weeks have turned me every way but loose! First, a random asthma flair took me down for a whole week, and then my daughter got hit by the flu. I cried. Every. Single. Day. Now, I'm all for feeling your feelings, but this was different. I wasn't releasing pent-up emotion; I was drowning in overwhelm and needed a reality check on how much I could handle. 

The truth is, I’ve mastered the art of pushing past my limits, setting myself on fire to keep everyone else warm. Stress levels be screaming, "Girl, absolutely not!" only for me to hit autopilot like it's the only button I know. It's a genuine struggle, and for what? To make everyone else happy. Some call it the ‘disease to please’ – and it's real. I genuinely don’t want to disappoint the people I love and respect. 

This is the story for many of us - feeling responsible for everybody, everything, all at once. Giving our last to put those we love first. But here’s the thing: It just ain’t sustainable babe. Something’s gotta give, and it can’t always be you. We have to get real with recognizing our limits and sticking to them. Now, I’m still figuring this out, and when that happens, I tend to lean on the power of words - affirmations, to be exact.

So, if you're caught in a cycle of endless overwhelm and shaky boundaries, get into these daily affirmations to help keep you grounded. Print 'em, pass 'em on to a friend for that extra push, and, most importantly, make it a daily thing—read them out loud to yourself until you see the words becoming real in your life. It's a journey, but we got this.

Affirmation #1:

I can’t please everybody. Sometimes, letting others down is necessary to protect my own peace.

Affirmation #2:

My life is not on autopilot; I choose to be present and ask for help when I need it.

Affirmation #3:

Saying no doesn't make me unreliable; it makes me a smart woman who knows her limits.

Affirmation #4:

My worth is not tied to how much I do for others. I put my energy into what makes me happy and content.

Affirmation #5: 

I focus on peace, not perfection. Life doesn't need to be flawless to be good.

Affirmation # 6:

I can’t be responsible for all the things. Sometimes, they will have to figure it out. Period.

Affirmation # 7:

Taking care of myself isn't being selfish; it's survival. I find the balance between handling my responsibilities and making sure I'm a priority.

Let’s Reflect!

It’s time to reflect on your personal relationship with boundaries. Grab your favorite journal, and answer the following:

  1. How have you pushed past your limits over the past two weeks? If so, how has the lack of boundaries impacted your emotional well-being?

  2. Do you ever feel responsible for everyone and everything at once? How does that make you feel?

  3. How can you blend these affirmations into your daily life and find a better balance between work and self-care this week?

Let's connect in the comments and become affirmation buddies. I can't wait to hear from you! Until next time, take care, stay well, and keep radiating your unique beauty. Catch you soon! 💫💕


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