Get Connected: Affirmations for Building Real Friendships

Hey friend! Today, I want to chat about something that's been a constant source of stress in my life – making girlfriends. Since I was a little kid, I've been riding the fine line between cool and uniquely awkward.

Money was tight in my family, so I was usually on the sidelines when the girls were flexing the latest trends. In sixth grade, I thought I finally struck gold. Rolled up with a crispy pair of black high-top Shaqs – only to get roasted to a crisp 🥴. Smooth talk? Nah, not my thing. I'd try to be funny or witty and overshoot the mark, every single time.

To make matters more complicated, we were always on the move – new city, new school, new faces. You'd think I'd be a pro at hitting the reset button, right? Nope, just more chances to add to my collection of embarrassing moments. Every new school, I'd cross my fingers and hope that things would be different this time, only to discover girl groups that seemed to hold the elusive keys to these friendship streets. Meanwhile, I'm stuck on gracefully getting past the classic "Hi, my name is...".

And even when I thought I had it figured out, my interests and 'unique' personality had a knack for swerving me off course. Each encounter became a blend of hope, anticipation, and then the inevitable twist to leave me wondering if I'd ever find friends.

This struggle didn't magically disappear. My insecurities got so intense that I thought I was better off flying solo – who needs people, right? "Friend hurt" is legit, and those wounds can feel impossible to heal. For me, it led to loneliness becoming my bestie, and I was cool with it – or so I thought.

Until I eventually tripped into the company of a few incredible ladies who embraced my awkwardness and added a touch of magic to life, making it way more bearable. The healing went deeper than I imagined - shining light on places I didn't even realize existed. But it only happened when I mustered the courage to open the doors of my heart and take another shot at connection.

So, if you find yourself in the same boat, craving genuine friendships to call your own - I see you, babe. You don’t have to pretend to be anything other than you to make friendships work. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Best of all, they do exist! But, you must be willing to take another swing at finding them. It might feel like you're walking a tightrope between vulnerability and courage, but the thrill of seeing your tribe on the other side is unmatched.

Here are a few affirmations to give you an extra pep in your step as you navigate the twists and turns of your friendship-building journey:

Friendship-Building Affirmations

“I am a friend magnet, drawing in those who appreciate my genuine spirit.”

Each day, I welcome friendships that complement what I bring, creating a positive and loving social circle around me.

"Friendships flow effortlessly into my life because I stay true to myself."

Being true to myself strengthens my existing friendships and welcomes new, fulfilling connections into my life effortlessly.

“I Embrace My Unique Charm”

I may not be the smoothest talker, but my charm is uniquely mine. I embrace it, knowing that it makes me stand out in a world full of people trying to fit in.

“Friendship Is a Two-Way Street”

I understand that forming connections takes time. I don't need to rush it. True friendships develop naturally, and I'm willing to let them unfold at their own pace.

“I Am Worthy of Genuine Connections”

I deserve friends who appreciate me for who I am, quirks and all. I am worthy of meaningful connections that bring joy and laughter into my life.

“My People are Out There”

Even if it feels like everyone already has their friend group, I know my tribe is out there. I'm patient, and I'll find people who appreciate my uniqueness when the time is right.

“Every Awkward Moment is a Memory”

Instead of cringing at my past awkward encounters, I choose to see them as hilarious stories that make me, well, me. These moments are part of my journey, and I'm grateful for each one.

So, my good sis, I challenge you to proudly rock your quirks, chuckle at the hiccups, and remember: your people will love you for you. Don't settle for anything less than authentic connections and those beautifully awkward moments.

Life's too short for anything else. 💖

Let’s Reflect!

It’s time to reflect on your relationship with building friendships. Grab your favorite journal, and answer the following:

  1. Recall a cringe-worthy moment and turn it into a funny story. How can you find humor in awkwardness and use it to shape your identity positively?

  2. Consider your approach to forming connections. Are you rushing the process? Reflect on the idea that true friendships take time. How can you cultivate patience and let connections develop naturally?

  3. How would ‘finding your people’ level up your self-care game?


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