3 Ways to Escape the Mom Guilt Trap

If I’m being real, the past few weeks have been absolutely wild. Endless projects and a serious struggle with personal boundaries had me being way less present with my daughter than I'd like to admit. Now, don't get me wrong - the intention to give her my full attention was strong, but that to-do list will forever be a magnet for distraction. So, even though I was dead tired and practically running on empty, I couldn't shake that nagging feeling that I just wasn't cutting it.

We all know that annoying nagging feeling, right? Whether working marathon hours or managing the juggling act we call life, mom guilt sneaks in (thinking she slick 🙄) and tries to make us feel like we're missing the mark. It’s like having a cloud of self-doubt hanging over your head, making you second-guess whether you're doing enough for your kids. But guess what, babe? It's high time to kick her to the curb! In this blog, I'm letting you in on three go-to, tried-and-true tips that have been my secret weapons for breaking free from the mom guilt trap.

1. Give yourself grace.

Listen sis, you are doing a great job. Instead of beating yourself every time there's a parenting hiccup, treat yourself with the same love and compassion you'd show a close friend. We all have challenging days because, let’s be real, being somebody's mama is a whole adventure. So, cut yourself some slack! Sometimes, you’re gonna fall short 🤷🏾‍♀️, AND you’ll still be worthy, capable, and lovable when it’s all said and done.

Just remember, picture-perfect mamas don’t exist. Despite your best efforts, blunders and bloopers are bound to happen – it's all part of the game. But here's the beautiful part – you, my friend, always bounce back. So, why not sprinkle a little grace on yourself while you're at it? When you feel like you’re messing it up the most, take a minute and know that it's normal to stumble here and there. Those imperfect moments, make us, and you, mama, are doing an incredible job! 🙌🏾

2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity. 

When mom guilt is at its peak, I tend to compare myself to other mamas. Then, I fall into a loop of frustration for not being able to doing more. But honestly, it's not about how much we do; it's about the quality of the time we spend. 

So lately, I've been making a conscious effort to savor the moments when I can be fully present with my little one, even if it’s short and sweet. Whether reading a book or having a heart-to-heart conversation at bedtime, those moments of genuine connection are the truth. It's not the quantity of hours (and coin) spent on random activities but the quality of time that truly counts.

Our love, presence, and undivided attention are the things that really hit home with these babies. The bond we create, that's where the magic happens. It's all about being there in the moment and letting our kiddos know just how much they mean to us. So, let's focus on being present and focusing in on those real, heartfelt moments, because that's really where it's really at.

3.  Prioritize Self Care.

Self-care is not a luxury; it's a lifeline. You're out here doing the superhero thing day in and day out, but even superheroes need to recharge their powers, right?

Whether it's stealing a few precious minutes for a bit of relaxing guided meditation (shameless plug, but it works wonders, right?), or finally making time for a long-overdue hangout with your ride-or-die, you have got to carve out that space for yourself.

Taking care of your needs on a ongoing basis is lowkey the greatest gift you can give everyone around you. When you're at your best,  you're ready to face noise, wipe the  tears, and really embrace the delightful chaos of the ‘Hood. So, never hold back from giving yourself the love and attention you truly deserve because a content and healthy mom always saves the day 🦸🏾‍♀️.

If this hit home or you've got some gems to share, don't be shy! Drop a comment below and let's keep this conversation rolling. We're all on this good journey together!💪🏾✨


Making Self-Care a Daily Habit for Busy Mamas


How to stop doubting yourself & move towards your goals.