How to stop doubting yourself & move towards your goals.

Recently, one of my best  friends got me together -  "You always have great ideas, but you don’t move on them. It's time to take that leap, sis!" I'd been talking about creating this website for what feels like forever, but honestly, my confidence was hiding in the shadows. The wildest part? I had all the experience necessary to make this thing pop, but here comes the same raggedy mental roadblock when I’m about to take a real step forward. We've all been there; sometimes it's imposter syndrome, and other times it's old experiences trying to remind us we don't belong. But let's be real, both of those are way off the mark.

If you find yourself in a similar spot, searching for your next move, let me drop something on you: It's high time you start betting on yourself with the same energy you use to believe in others - especially those you deeply respect. Even if you have to do it afraid.

Despite all the reasons you quietly use to disqualify or underestimate yourself, why not at least give it a real shot? Ask yourself, "What's the tiniest first step I can take toward making this thing happen?" You don’t have to have it all figured out. Most times we give up before we even try because we assume we lack what it takes to make it work, but that just isn’t true. Identify the very first step. Write it down. Set a deadline. Commit to it.

Think about it like this – every major success story you look up to began with one step. That person started somewhere and built capacity over time. It's like planting a seed. You don't see the tree right away, but with care and  patience, it grows. Don’t be discouraged by seeing someone else’s tree - it’s time to start planting!

So, the next time self-doubt creeps in, remember all the times you believed in someone else's potential. Redirect that belief back to you. You have more than what it takes, and those past experiences and imposter syndrome have nothing on your determination. So, whatever that dream, project, or goal may be, take the smallest first step today. Trust me, consistent baby steps lead to big leaps. And who knows, you might just surprise yourself with what you're capable of 💛.

Let’s Reflect!

It’s time to reflect on your personal relationship with self-doubt. Grab your favorite journal, and answer the following:

  1. Have you ever held back on pursuing a goal or dream because of self-doubt or imposter syndrome? How did it affect your confidence and progress?

  2. Think about someone you deeply respect and believe in. How can you redirect that belief back to yourself and use it as motivation towards achieving your goals?

  3. Got a dream or goal you're holding back on? What's the smallest step you can take today and commit to? How could this little step lead to major progress?


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