Struggling with 2024 Resolutions? Get back on track with these 4 easy steps!

The new year is all about embracing new beginnings, pursuing our dreams, and elevating our game. But if I’m being honest – amidst the hustle and bustle, I've recently found myself a bit deflated. My journey toward New Year's resolutions seemed to be crawling at a snail's pace, and how do you keep pushing when the progress just ain’t progressing?

If you’re wondering the same - I see you, and I got you! Today, I'm here to share a few tips that have kept me on track to make those New Year's resolutions a reality in 2024! Don't even think about throwing in the towel yet – let's join forces and power through this hurdle together! 🌟

Celebrate small.

One of my goals this year is to create a course that'll help women conquer their limited beliefs and CRUSH their goals ( surprise!). At first, I was so excited about it, but then the procrastination showed up, and I started questioning everything. TBH, I didn't realize how much time and effort it would take, and before I knew it, I felt pretty discouraged.

But then, I decided to go easy on myself. Staying committed to anything for more than a week is a struggle, okay? (For me, at least). So, I focused on quality over speed and tried to find things I enjoyed about the process.

It’s wild how such a small change in mindset can make all the difference. I found myself getting excited over every dope graphic and carefully written phrase. It taught me an important lesson: celebrating small victories matters. Whether it's solving a problem, sticking to your routine, or overcoming a challenge, it's worth celebrating. Recognize your progress, no matter how small it may seem. Every step counts towards achieving your bigger goals.

Your turn: Think about your New Year's Resolution. Have you been focused on finishing quickly, or have you taken your time to appreciate the small wins along the way?

Stay Connected with Your Why.

If I’m being honest, this whole course creation thing still intimidates me - a lot. I’ve talked myself out of it 1,000 times and faced imposter syndrome more than that. As Badu said, “I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my s***”. So, in short, I struggle with the confidence necessary to bring my ideas from head to the real world where it’s open to criticism.

But then, I remember the girlies who will remain in the same boat if they don’t have someone to remind them that they are worthy, despite what their mind says. I think about how helpful this resource would have been to me. All in all, my mission is bigger than me and all of my insecurities. This is purpose work.

So, as I minister to you, I minister to myself - never forget the reasons behind your journey. Remember why you started. Reconnect with your passion, goals, and the vision that propels you forward. When the going gets tough and no one notices, anchoring yourself to your "why" can reignite your motivation.

Your turn: What is your ‘why’? Why is it so easy to forget your ‘why’ along the way?

Set Bite-Sized Milestones.

When I started creating the course, my strategy was all over the place – there was a vision, but no clear roadmap on how to get there. But balancing a full-time job and the daily trek to my daughter’s school forced me to get serious about creating a timeline that made sense.

So, my first move was to break down every task needed to bring the course to life. I asked myself, ‘what’s the first thing that needs to happen?’ and I mapped out every detail from there. If this task felt too big or was something that I needed support with, I broke it down and made notes on who I could ask for help.

Stepping back and plotting it all out felt overwhelming at first, but once I got into it, I realized how helpful it was to have a clear roadmap. If you're not much of a planner, don't worry. There are people out there who enjoy it and can help you come up with a realistic strategy. Tap into your circle or seek community resources to get your needed support.

Remember, even when it feels like a marathon, you can break it into manageable sprints. You’ll see the progress, feel accomplished, and stay motivated, even when that finish line seems a mile away.

Your turn: How can you break down your resolution into smaller, bite-sized milestones?

It’s okay to tweak the plan.

Sometimes, life can throw us off course, even with the best plans. I used to be tough on myself when things didn't go as expected, but I've learned that making adjustments is fine when needed. At the end of the day, progress is progress, no matter how you get there. Whether you need to take a detour or just a quick break to recharge, what matters is that you continue moving forward, one step at a time.

Remember, setbacks are not failures. Each unexpected turn in your journey strengthens your resilience. So, stay flexible, adapt to challenges, and keep your eyes on your goals. As long as you keep moving forward, no matter how slowly or differently than planned, you're making progress. Trust in yourself to overcome obstacles and continue towards your dreams.

Your turn: How have unexpected events disrupted your plans? What adjustments can you make to get back on track?


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