Gift Yourself Success: 3 Ways to Make 2024Your Best Year Yet

Hey friend, hey! Gather 'round, 'cause I've got a self-care gift that's not just for the season but will keep the good vibes rolling well into the new year. Let's have a heart-to-heart about the magic of practical reflection.

I know what you’re thinking: "Reflection during the holiday madness? Seriously?" But hang with me because this isn't about locking yourself away in a dark room and unraveling life's mysteries. This is about getting real, getting hands-on, and reflecting on the past year in a real and meaningful way. With just a week sandwiched between Christmas and New Year, why not use this time to prep for your goals by taking a close-up look at what worked and what didn't and using that knowledge to plan your next steps? 

Whether it's personal or professional goals, taking the time to reflect and plan can set you up for success in the coming year. So, let's dive into some reflective wisdom and make this transition into the new year a seamless one!

What Were My Wins This Year?

Let's start by spotlighting those 2023 victories,  no matter how big or small. Whether they're as big as acing a work project, staying committed to a fitness routine, or simply saying ‘no’ when it was hard - celebrate those wins, babe! It's easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and forget how much you've achieved. However, reveling in those small wins releases a burst of dopamine in the brain.

This feel-good chemical plays a key role in supporting your mood, motivation, and pleasure. By triggering these feel-good vibes, you're giving yourself a well-deserved reward and paving the way for even more good experiences in the future.  So, jot down that brag list, read it over, and credit yourself for everything you've conquered and overcome this year!

What Were My Challenges & How Did I Overcome Them?

We all go through tough times, and let's be real; overcoming them isn't always a cakewalk. That's why it's crucial to pause, reflect on what you've tackled this year, and how you navigated those challenges. It might be a bit of a struggle, but acknowledging what worked is a game-changer—because what worked in one situation might just be your secret weapon in another.

So, take a sec to jot down how you handled your fears and challenges this year, even if things didn't unfold the way you hoped. Remember, it's totally cool if the outcome wasn't a fairytale ending; what matters is that you faced it head-on, and you're a real one for that.

Your perseverance says a lot even if you're still figuring it out or unsure about what's next. It takes courage to face challenges and keep moving forward, especially when you're not sure what's ahead. Your resilience is impressive and is a valuable tool you can rely on. When you look over those challenges, you'll realize just how strong and capable you are. You've overcome obstacles and hurdles that you never thought possible and that's something to be proud of.

Where Did I Invest My Time and Energy?

As the year ends, it's a good time to think about what matters most to us and how we've been spending our time and energy. Take a moment to ask yourself if you've been focusing on the things that mean something to you. Have you been taking care of yourself? Did you make progress toward your goals?

Asking yourself these questions can help you determine if you want to make any changes in the coming year. You may need to spend more time with the people you love, or you may need to take better care of yourself. By taking a closer look at your priorities, you can make sure you're living the life you want to live.

What Activities Energized Me?

I recently stumbled upon this quote: "When you do what you love, and you love what you do, life becomes happier, and the sense of satisfaction grows.” And you know what? It got me thinking about all the things that made me feel alive. Most of it circles back to my creative side - diving into graphic design and putting words on paper has brought me way more joy than I thought possible in the past year. 

Let me tell you, this wasn't always a walk in the park. There's always something competing for my attention, throwing a curveball into the mix. I often found myself negotiating and pushing things around to make it all click. But let me tell you, when it did click, it was nothing short of pure love. It's so important to set aside some time for the things that breathe life and joy into our days. Life isn't only about the must-dos; it's equally about the want-to-dos that bring fulfillment and happiness.

So, reflect on what got you buzzing with energy in the past year. Whether it was whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, getting lost in a good book, trying out something new, or just kicking it with your people. Whatever it was, make a promise to yourself to keep it in the mix because prioritizing what brings you joy is the secret key to a happy and fulfilled life.

What Drained My Energy?

Figuring out these energy drainers is like having a roadmap telling you where to make some changes for a smoother, more balanced life. I get it. Some things are just unavoidable.

But hey, even while dealing with these unavoidable energy sucks, there's a silver lining. It's about spotting what you can control and tweaking things a bit. Maybe it's adjusting how you look at things, setting clearer boundaries, or just sneaking in more self-care during the madness. By clocking these energy drains and making small shifts, you're not just riding the wave but steering towards a more steady life, one intentional change at a time.

So, as you go on this reflective journey, remember knowing where you've been is your GPS guiding you to where you want to go. Cheers to celebrating the victories, learning from the challenges, and paving the way for a dazzling new year filled with purpose and joy!


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